devices for heating & air conditioning!
Energy consumption due to air
conditioning and heating is one of the most costly monthly expenditures
for homes and businesses alike. We recognize that energy costs are
especially critical in the hotel industry. Kadtronix offers two vital
solutions to help you reduce your energy costs:
- Wi-Fi
Multi-Device Control (WMDC) - automatic
HVAC control based on guest reservation dates
- HVAC Smart Relay System (HSRS) -
shuts off the HVAC when a door/window remains open
WiFi Multi-Device Control
The Wi-Fi Multi-Device Control (WMDC) system gives the hotel manager
complete control of HVAC units in individual rooms. It permits
automatic control via schedules created for each guest. For
instance, specify a schedule to activate the air
conditioning in room 214 for a guest whose reservation indicates that
he will be arriving in two weeks and staying for 2 days and nights. The
HVAC system will be automatically activated during his stay and then
deactivated on the day of checkout. For more information on the WMDC, click here.

more information on the WMDC, click here.
Smart Relay System
eliminates waste by monitoring open doors and windows. It
automatically interrupts the HVAC system in the event of a violation
such as a door or window that has remained open for a period of time. For more information on the HSRS, click here.
HSRS Overview